Mar 17, 2021
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 - Zoom virtual platform
Day two of the Oceania Sport Education Program’s Management in Sporting Organization virtual course opened with a review of day one activities which included the introductions, hopes and concerns, and information on the Olympic movement. The assigned work were submitted by the group which included the organization chart and calendar of events for the Guam Kayak and Canoe Federation.
Melanie Torre covered the session overview touching up on modules three, marketing and public relations, and module six, federation governance. Round table discussions on marketing were bountiful as the members of the GKCF board shared information about strategies and methods to promote their events and organization such as the effective use of an organization website and social media. Thereafter, they discussed guidelines on public relations including providing event regulations for its member clubs.
Joey Miranda III shared a video on federation governance before reviewing with the members, requirements, and compliance check list of the Guam National Olympic Committee. The discussions stemmed around transfer of authority and documents, eligibility requirements, updating of the federation’s by-laws, and games protocol.
The evening closed with a wrap up of the day’s activities and preview of day three by Melanie Torre.