Aug 19, 2022
Nutritional value was the hot subject on day 2 of the OSEP Development Coach Course hosted at the Guam National Olympic Committee 3rd floor conference room. Nutritionist Lenora Makela presented the topic during her presentation on Module 3 which was part of the Safety in Coaching aspect of the program. Incorporated into the evening’s discussion was ensuring and prioritizing the safety of all athletes. “Whenever we are thinking about nutrition: Nutrition goals should align with sport performance goals and support general health of the athlete” according to Makela. Facilitators worked with the coaches during a breakout session to discuss the types of foods that coaches should encourage for their athletes, followed by an activity pertaining to nutritional information in food packages. Lenora covered diet culture, eating patterns, dangerous practices, and unhealthy eating behaviors concluding with “Food is fuel, without the food, there is no fuel.”
NLME Joey Miranda III welcomed all coaches back to day 2 of the OSEP Development Coach course. He then reviewed the OSEP assessment process. ME Tara Tydingco reviewed the first day’s activities including the organizational structures of GNOC, ONOC, and OSEP, coaching structure and coaching process, periodization, long-term athlete development, as well as a brief discussion on nutrition. She set the tone for the day’s topic with a course overview on Module 3, Coach in Action, Module 2: Planning and delivery, and Module6: Long-Term Athlete Development.
Coaches performed the Coach in Action 1 and 2 presenting their prepared skills under the supervision of a course facilitator. Participants provided feedback through a Q&A session which was followed up with an assessment by the facilitator.
After dinner, Module 2, planning and delivery was discussed through an activity on periodization facilitated by Dr. Ryan Claros. Each group discussed different aspects on preparing and fulfilling their periodization chart to be able to reach their competition goals inclusive of preparation, transition, and competition phases. A group take away was plan, plan, plan.
The groups continued discussions on Module 6, LTAD under the facilitation of Dr. Claros. Group 3focused on the sport of Tenpin Bowling of which their outcome statement from the session was the sport has no bias to age as there are different divisions throughout life that athletes are able to compete in. Typically, tenpin bowling athletes improve with age.
Dr. Paull Claros wrapped up the evening with a summary of the activities accomplished incorporating a question-and-answer session and feedback from the group. He ended his segment with a brief on the Day 3 activities. Miranda closed out the evening by acknowledging Olympians in attendance and thanking everyone for their continued participation and contribution during the course.